About the "A Song of Ice and Fire" Tabletop Miniatures Game

"A Song of Ice and Fire" is a game produced by CMON, also known as Cool Mini or Not. It is a game set in the world of George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire / ASOIAF series, where players lead their armies in a battle for power and control.

In A Song of Ice and Fire, players take on the roles of one of the great houses of Westeros, each with their own unique abilities and strengths. The game is played over several rounds, and each round consists of several phases, including the planning phase, the action phase, and the cleanup phase. During the planning phase, players secretly assign orders to their units, such as attacking or defending. During the action phase, players take turns revealing and executing their orders. During the cleanup phase, players must deal with the consequences of their actions and prepare for the next round.

A Song of Ice and Fire has a focus on negotiation. Players must work together to form alliances, trade resources, and gain advantages, while also trying to outmaneuver each other to gain the upper hand. The game also features a morale system, where players must manage their units' morale levels in order to avoid losing them and weakening their armies.