What did one Viking say to the other during a battle?
This is going to be a real axe-travaganza!

About Blood Rage:

"Blood Rage" is a board game produced by CMON, also known as Cool Mini or Not. It is a game set in a mythical world of Vikings, where players lead their clans in a final battle for glory before Ragnarok, the end of the world. The game combines elements of strategy, tactics, and luck, making it a challenging and exciting experience for players.

In "Blood Rage," players take on the role of Viking leaders, each with their own unique abilities and strengths. The game is played over three rounds, and each round consists of several phases, including the draft phase, the action phase, and the end phase. During the draft phase, players draft cards that represent different actions they can take during the action phase. These actions include things like moving their warriors to different territories, attacking other players, and gathering resources.

The action phase is where players use the cards they have drafted to take their turn. Players take turns performing actions, and the goal is to gain as much glory as possible before the end of the game. Glory can be earned by completing quests, winning battles, and other achievements.

One of the things that sets "Blood Rage" apart from other games is its focus on tactical gameplay. Players must carefully consider their actions and make strategic decisions in order to gain the upper hand. The game also features a unique combat system that allows players to manipulate the outcome of battles by playing cards from their hand.

Another key aspect of "Blood Rage" is its high-quality components. The game features beautifully detailed miniatures, which are used to represent the Viking warriors and monsters in the game. These miniatures add a level of immersion and visual appeal to the game, and they are highly sought after by collectors and hobbyists alike.