Warhammer 40K Painting Service: Painting Classic Praetorian's

It is not everyday that we see Praetorians. It is not everyday that anyone sees them. If you're wondering, these were created because someone at Games Workshop (when they were more playful company) did a head swaps on the Mordian range using pith helmeted heads. They proved quite popular, and the Praetorians became a thing.

I can't remember the last time we painted the praetorian army - certainly not want this large. We did them as proper redcoats, to Exhibition quality.

As charming as these models are, they are a little tough to work with. The Mordian sculpt and has its challenges. The buttons and the trim around them can be tricky. The faces, too. Most difficult however the epaulets. Some are well sculpted. Others -- not so much. We had to take a bit more time with these.

Praetorians - Today?

You would be hard-pressed to find these models today. However Victoria Miniatures had a go at them. Here are some we did. These were also painting to Exhibition quality:

Paintedfigs is a miniature painting service. You can send us your figurines to paint, and we also have painted miniatures for sale. We paint mainly Games Workshop (Warhammer 40k, Warhammer Fantasy, Age of Sigmar, Necromunda, Space Hulk, Bloodbowl, and so on), Star Wars, Warmachine and Hordes, and pretty much every Kickstarter and board game under the sun.

And we do so at the lowest rates on Earth (we’ve checked).